Wednesday, October 13, 2010


            As I look at the cards I notice that the older a person gets, the more jokes are told. They are not as many cards saying something wise or how much you mean to a person. The cards joke about a person’s age and even some with for those with hair loss. Others have some saying on them only to go back to joking about their age.
            Teenagers through fifty old cards joke about age and memory. There are some cards that are meaningful with all these ages but less as you start to look through the cards that hit twenty year olds.
             Cards for people twenty through fifty year olds start to really play around more with age. They start to say things that they now teenagers view them as old. They also start to say that you’re getting older, enjoy the young years.
            When people hit the sixty year range, the cards start to become more reflective and meaningful again. They start to tell the person to look back on their life and their experiences. They also start to say how much a person means to them.
            All the cards joke about age so the recipient will have a good laugh. Not all people think that aging is a bad thing, but more part of nature and that there is no way to avoid it. Development theories think that most people look down on aging and think that it is a bad thing. They don’t think that all people will have a good laugh or get out and stay active or do things. Some think that the older you get the more boring your life is. These cards differ because not all people look at life like that, but as a memory and events that they can pass down to generations and say that they lived during that time when that happened. They want to give a good laugh to people and still have them reflect on their life.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

First Three Chapters

                I learned about what makes psychology a science. Knowing that you can’t assume and that you have to test while being open minded and watch what really is going on opens up a whole new level of aspect on life. Learning how psychology is a science lets me open my mind more and question things that have been given. It gives me more insight to what can be and what can’t be.
            I also learned that culture matters. Culture helps shape our behavior and who we are, but we would still be the same person if we were born in a different culture. Culture just helps shape our views of many different topics. It shows me that even though I am American I could be British, Italian, or even Chinese and still have the same personality. I am able to be who I am in any and every culture just by being myself.
            I furthermore learned what make fraternal and identical twins different besides their looks. Identical twins develop from a single fertilized egg that splits in two. They are genetically identical and natures own clones. Fraternal twins are developed from separate fertilized eggs. It shows me that there are still differences between all twins. I see both identical and fraternal twins all day and learning more about the conception differences helps me understand more about how they are identical or fraternal.
            I found the mating preferences most interesting. Reading why men and women chose each other and why gives more insight into others minds. Men are more attracted to women who are healthy and fertile-appearing to send on their genes into the future. Women are more attracted to men who are more likely will stick around and be fathers a long time. Reading it and then talking to people about the person they are with all come back to the psychological reasons even though they think that they are with the person for some other reason.
            1) Why are fraternal twins more overlooked than identical besides fraternal being more common?
            2) Are we able to be like one parent more than the other?
            3) Even though all twins are close socially, why are identical twins deemed “more close” than    fraternal?

Open you mind.
Let all that you know go.
Let your mind wonder
through all the possibilities
that there are.
There is no impossible,
but all possible.
See all the possibilities
that there are
if you just
keep an open mind.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Psychological Introduction

My name is Nicolle Mendalski and I attend Thorp High School. I am seventeen. I like to process all of my information before I make any major decisions. I look at all the pros and cons and from every angle that there is. I go over everything twice maybe even three times before I still make a decision. I even to my dad about everything and see what he thinks about it all too. If I have an idea of what I want to do, but am still confused about it all, my dad helps me from his angle to assist me in my decision.
            Everything I learn, I learn by experiencing it or reading and doing research on it. I also learn by practicing, working harder at it and asking questing if I am having problems with something. I also take extra lessons out of class to become better at what I need to do or what I enjoy doing. I couldn’t say if I was better with hands on projects or with just reading it. I would have to say that I have to do both of them to get something – read it and do a few practice problems.
            I am a kind of laid back person. I like to go out and have fun with friends and family. Not a lot of things really bug me unless they keep happening again and I’m very busy and occupied at the moment. I don’t usually let people know that I am mad at them until it gets to be too much. Then I just ignore them, listen to music or read, and keep to myself for a while until I calm down and can think clearer before I go and confront them so I don’t end up doing anything that would harm them.
            For everything that has made me who I am it would be a long story, but I will just say the main events that I know made me, me. The main things that impacted me in my life were my parents divorce and traveling between them. At first it was okay because they lived near each other, but then my mother moved to a different town and my brother and I went with her only to go to my dad's on the weekends and three weeks every month during the summer. Switching schools and making new friends was not for me at the time and still kind of isn’t. I have switched schools four times since kindergarten till now so meeting new people is not as bad as it was when I was younger. Two of my best friends also made me who I am now in the last three years. They made helped me become more out going with in school and out of school events.
Taking care of my brother and myself most of the time also helped me. I looked out for him and tried to make sure he did what he needed to do when our mother was gone. She wasn’t the best and still is not the best to look to as a role model. Even if my brother never saw it we - I was more so than he was because I thought rationally from a younger age from taking care of him and myself - both were emotional and mentally abused by her actions when I entered high school. I was more hurt by her actions than my brother was because my mother and me never got a long well and I knew that I couldn’t stand the environment she put us in any longer so I moved out at the ending of the school year with my brother and back to my dad’s.
My dad remarried during my eighth grade year and got another divorce my sophomore year. It was nice at first, but she just turned in to a whole other person a year after their marriage. And as a family, being my dad, brother, me and sometimes my cousin or uncle, we will go on vacation in the summer to visit our family down to Tennessee, spending every waking moment of time that we can together for the week that we are there.
            I mostly take after my dad. I am still my own person, but we are close and very a like. He is always there and helps with everything that he can without complaining too much.
            Everything that I have been through has made me act a certain way and promise myself what I am or am not going to do to make a better life for myself, my family, my friends and those around me.